Everything You Need to Know About Bear Bangers

Grizzly Bear

Everything You Need to Know About Bear Bangers

If you’re a hiker, camper, or outdoors enthusiast in bear country, your safety should be a primary concern. In case of a bear encounter, what precautions should you take? What tools should you have available.

One of the lesser know bear deterrents is bear bangers. But what are they? A bear banger is a device that produces a loud bang to scare away bears. Also known as “bear bombs” or “bear flares”, they cause no harm to the bear. Bear bangers are legal in most states, but there are some restrictions on where and when they can be used.

In this article, we will discuss the different types of bear bangers, where they can be bought, and how much they cost. We will also talk about the legality of bear bangers and when and where they can be used. We’ll also provide some safety tips for using bear bangers. Finally, we’ll talk about some alternatives, including bear spray and other noise deterrents.

Everything You Need to Know About Bear Bangers

What is a Bear Banger?

So what is a bear banger? For many people, it’s the first obvious question. A bear banger is a handheld device that launches a small explosive charge into the air. The explosion creates a loud bang and bright flash of light, which usually startles bears and other animals away from the area.

And although bear encounters are rare, they can sometimes come in handy to avoid a confrontation. Whereas bear spray may be a good option for a bear that is up close, bear bangers are better used where the threat is a little farther away.

What Are the Different Types of Bear Bangers?

There are several different types of bear bangers. The most common type is the shotgun shell. These shells are filled with powder and a small explosive charge. When the shell is fired, the explosion creates a loud noise and a bright flash of light. This can startle bears and other animals and may help to scare them away.

Another type of bear banger is the hand-held device. These devices look like large fireworks. They contain a small explosive charge that is set off by a trigger. When the device is triggered, it makes a loud noise and a bright flash of light.

The last type of bear banger is the large-scale device. These devices are used by businesses and organizations to scare bears away from their property. They are usually set up near dumpsters or in areas where bears are known to frequent. When the device is triggered, it makes a loud noise and a bright flash of light.

Here we’ll concentrate on those you might want to consider for personal safety.

Using Bear Bangers

When to Use Bear Bangers

There are some rules to keep in mind when using bear bangers. Only use them if a bear encounter seems imminent and you have no other choice. Bear bangers are only legal in some states, so check the regulations before using them.

If you’re camping in an area where bears are known to live, make sure to keep your bear bangers easily accessible.

How to Use Bear Bangers

To operate a bear banger, first remove the cap. Then, point the banger away from you and light the fuse. The banger will make a loud noise and shoot off into the air. NEVER aim bear bangers at bears. This could injure or kill the bear, or frighten them and send them charging in your direction.

Bear bangers should be aimed into the sky and you should plan for it to explode between you and the bear. If you shoot it behind the bear, you could send the bear in your direction.

Be sure to dispose of the banger properly after use. Don’t leave them lying around where people or animals could find them.

Safety Concerns When Using Bear Bangers

As with any explosive device, you’ll want to make sure to exercise extreme caution with bear bangers. Bear bangers can be very dangerous if used improperly. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Never point a bear banger at yourself or anyone else. Always store bear bangers in a cool, dry place away from children and pets.

Because there is an explosive charge being ejected, you’ll want to make sure you fully understand the capabilities of what you’re using. For example, you’ll want to be familiar with how far it will go and when it will explode. Aiming at the wrong angle could cause the charge to go over the bear and send a frightened bear in your direction. (This is very bad!)

Improper use of bear bangers can cause harm to yourself, the bear or other people or wildlife. They can also be a fire hazard when used improperly. Make sure you have a clear line of sight and take into account the weather conditions.

And, because it needs to be said, bear bangers should not be used for recreational or entertainment purposes. Many of the restrictions that have been enacted have been in response to irresponsible use.

Are Bear Bangers Legal?

United States

Can you use a bear banger in a national park? There is no blanket prohibition against the use of bear bangers as a last resort. Every park has different rules, but they are only to be used as personal protection against wildlife, and for no other purpose.

Some parks even prohibit the use of bear spray. For example, bear spray is prohibited at Yosemite and other parks. States and municipalities also have regulations on this type of instrument. You’ll want to make sure to you do your research before your visit.


Whether or not you can use bear bangers in Canada will depend upon where you’re using it. In general, bear bangers are legal in Canada. You can purchase them from most sporting goods stores.

However, there are some restrictions on where and when you can use them. Parks Canada has banned the use of bear bangers in national parks. And even in places where they’re permitted, any use besides personal protection from wildlife is illegal.

Some municipalities have also banned them. For instance, in 2020 the city of Vancouver banned the sale or use of bear bangers within the city. Most of the restrictions have been the result of the irresponsible use of the devices where they are not intended to be used.

Where Can I Buy Bear Bangers?

Bear bangers can be purchased at a variety of places. You can find them online or at most sporting goods stores. Prices will vary depending upon the brand, type and quantity that you purchase.

Alternative in Case of a Bear Attack

Bear Spray

In addition to bear bangers, one of the most effective bear deterrents is bear spray. When you’re traveling in bear country, this should be the first tool you think to use. Bear spray is a non-lethal way to deter a bear attacks. It’s a can of pepper spray that is designed to be used on bears. The bear will feel a burning sensation and may be temporarily blinded. This will give you time to get away.

It is recommended that you have bear spray if you’ll be in any area where an encounter may happen, whether it’s in the woods or on a trail. Bear spray is legal in all states and provinces.

How to Use Bear Spray

To use bear spray, first remove the safety tab. Then, point the spray canister at the bear and press down on the trigger in two-second bursts. If the bear continues to approach, continue using the spray. It is designed to be used at close range. The range for most bear sprays is between 15 and 30 feet.

Ideally, you don’t want to be down-wind of the spray. This could blow it back at you and do more harm than good. Sometimes, of course, that can’t be controlled, in which case you’ll need to use your best judgment.

Bear spray should be used as a last resort. Only use it if a bear attack is imminent and you have no other choice. And you should also note that bear spray has an expiration date. Expired bear spray is not guaranteed to work. If it’s close to the expiration date, discard it and buy more.

Here are some options for bear spray.


Noisemakers can sometimes be an effective tool in case of a bear encounter. They are simply a noise deterrent that works by making a loud noise that will startle the bear and make them feel uncomfortable. Noisemakers can be anything from pots and pans to air horns.

How to Use Noisemakers

To use noisemakers, simply make as much noise as possible. Bear in mind that bears have very good hearing, so the noise will need to be loud. You can bang on pots and pans, blow an air horn, use a whistle or use any other noise-making device you have.

Noisemakers are not as effective as bear spray, so they shouldn’t be your first line of defense.


Bear bangers are a good way to deter bears without harming them. They are legal in most states, and can be used in a variety of situations. And combined with bear spray and a little bit of caution, you should have a safe and enjoyable hike.

However, there are some restrictions on where and when they can be used. Make sure you check the laws in your state before purchasing bear bangers. Always use caution when using any type of noise deterrent, and follow the safety tips we’ve provided.

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