By Car, Boat and Plane

While the mainland visitor centers in Ventura and Santa Barbara are readily accessible by car or public transportation, the islands are only accessible by park concessionaire boats and planes or private boat. Advanced planning is highly recommended.

General Public Island Transportation Schedule

Please refer to the concessionaire’s transportation schedule for more detailed information: and

Anacapa Island
Operator: Island Packers
Frequency of Trips: Year round, variable schedule 3-7 days per week
Travel Time from Ventura and Oxnard Harbors: 1 hour
Landing Conditions: Visitors must climb from the boat up a steel-rung ladder to a dock. Once ashore, visitors must climb 157 stairs to the top of the island. Non-landing trips are available.

Santa Cruz Island
Operator: Island Packers
Frequency of Trips: Year round, variable schedule 5-7 days per week
Travel Time from Ventura Harbor: 1 hour
Landing Conditions: Visitors must climb from the boat up a steel-rung ladder to a pier at Scorpion Anchorage and Prisoners Harbor. When the piers are closed, landings are via skiff onto the beach.

Santa Rosa Island
Operator: Island Packers and Channel Islands Aviation
Frequency of Trips: Flights are year round on demand. Boat trips run April through early November, 2-4 days per week.
Travel Time from Camarillo Airport and Ventura Harbor: Flights are 25 minutes. Boat trips are 3 hours.
Landing Conditions: Flights land on a dirt airstrip. Boat visitors must climb from the boat up a steel-rung ladder to a pier at Bechers Bay. When the pier is closed, landings are via skiff onto the beach.

San Miguel Island
Operator: Island Packers and Channel Islands Aviation
Frequency of Trips: Flights are year round on demand. Boat trips run April through early November, 4-8 days per month.
Travel Time from Camarillo Airport and Ventura Harbor: Flights are 40 minutes. Boat trips are 4 hours.
Landing Conditions: Flights land on a dirt airstrip. Boat visitors are skiffed onto the beach—be prepared to waterproof gear and possibly to get wet. Strong winds and rough seas are possible.

Santa Barbara Island
Operator: Island Packers
Frequency of Trips: Spring through Fall, variable schedule 2-4 days per month.
Travel Time from Ventura Harbor: 3 hour
Landing Conditions: Visitors must climb a steel-rung ladder to the top of the pier from a skiff. Once ashore, visitors must walk uphill 1/4 mile with 131 long steps to the top of the island.

Getting Around

The best way to get around the park is on foot.

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